Learn all you need to know about our chinese medicine services at ONA Fertility. We are here to provide expert treatments.

Specialty FAQ

How does Acupuncture help with ovulation?

In order to facilitate ovulation; acupuncture may assist in regulating hormones, enhancing blood flow to the reproductive organs, and reduce stress. It functions by igniting particular acupoints that enhance general reproductive function and maintain the body's energy (Qi).

What if I just want to do acupuncture for myself and not my partner?

It's completely up to you whether to concentrate on your own care. You may improve your overall health and take care of any issues you may have with fertility using acupuncture. Treating both spouses could increase the likelihood of success if you're trying to conceive; but that is a personal choice.

What if my partner’s sperm has issues and the doctor says I’m ok, do you treat me or both?

Acupuncture might help both of you if your spouse is having issues with sperm health. Both general reproductive health and sperm quality, concentration and overall health can be enhanced by acupuncture. Your partner's therapy can be combined with yours to enhance the chances of conception; even if you've been given the all-clear.

Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture is generally thought to be painless and soothing. Because the needles are so tiny, the only feeling you get is usually a slight tingling or dull aching. Many patients experience relaxation and even nod off while receiving treatment.

Do I need to do acupuncture, or can I do acupressure?

A more gentle method that can help with specific issues or overall health maintenance is acupressure. For more profound therapeutic effects, particularly in the areas of fertility and reproductive health, acupuncture is frequently more successful.

What if I’m doing IVF?

In addition to IVF therapies, acupuncture can help improve the odds of success. It can assist with hormone balancing, stress reduction, and better blood flow to the uterus. For further assistance during their IVF cycles, several patients have acupuncture.

Can acupuncture help with endometriosis or PCOS?

Yes, by treating the underlying imbalances in the body, acupuncture can help with both PCOS and endometriosis. Acupuncture can help relieve endometriosis symptoms by balancing hormones, enhancing blood flow, and reducing pain and inflammation.

Acupuncture can assist in regulating hormones, enhancing ovulation, and managing insulin resistance—all of which are critical components in the management of PCOS. Acupuncture supports general reproductive health and well-being by working on the body as a whole. It works well as a complimentary therapy in conjunction with traditional treatments, according to many patients.

Can I do acupuncture during pregnancy?

Yes, acupuncture is safe during pregnancy. It can assist in managing typical pregnant symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and back pain, and can also support overall well-being throughout the pregnancy. Specific points are avoided to ensure safety, so it's important to see an acupuncturist with experience in pregnancy acupuncture like we have at ONA.

Can acupuncture help with hormone imbalances?

Absolutely. The endocrine system is supported by acupuncture, which aids in the normal regulation of hormone levels. By encouraging improved systemic communication inside the body, it is frequently used to treat conditions like PMS, irregular periods, thyroid imbalances, and hormone difficulties connected to fertility.

Does acupuncture support menopause or peri-menopause?

Yes, acupuncture is highly beneficial during menopause and peri-menopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and insomnia are just a few issues that it can help with. Acupuncture promotes a more seamless passage through this stage of life by assisting with energy regulation in the body.

Can acupuncture help with menstrual cramps or irregular cycles?

Yes, menstruation cramps and cycle regulation are known to be effectively treated by acupuncture. Acupuncture works by increasing blood flow, decreasing inflammation, and restoring hormone balance. These effects can help manage pain and encourage more regular, balanced menstrual cycles.

General FAQ

How many acupuncture sessions will I need?

Acupuncture is a results-based therapy with a cumulative effect, so regular sessions are important. The exact number of sessions will be determined during your initial appointment, based on your individual basis.

I don’t want babies.

That's perfectly OK! Not only may acupuncture improve fertility. Numerous health issues including pain management, stress alleviation, and enhancing general health and wellbeing may be helped by it.

Do you treat men?

Yes, we treat men. Numerous male health issues, such as stress, pain, infertility, and general wellness, can be helped by acupuncture.

Do you treat other things?

Yes, we provide treatments for a variety of ailments, such as pain, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety, stress, and sleep disturbances. Acupuncture promotes healing for a wide range of illnesses and aids in the body's energy balance.

Do you think acupuncture is good for pain?

Yes, acupuncture is a very successful pain management technique. It assists by enhancing blood flow, lowering inflammation, and igniting the body's own pain-relieving processes.

My doctor says I’m ok, but I don’t feel right. Is there acupuncture for me?

Yes, acupuncture can treat underlying imbalances that impact your symptoms even if they may not be detected by medical tests. Many patients get alleviation from issues that are sometimes missed by traditional medicine.

I can’t lose weight, can you help?

By enhancing digestion, lowering stress levels, and regulating hormones, acupuncture can aid with weight loss. Additionally, it can enhance general energy levels and help control cravings, both of which can support good weight management.

Is it expensive?

In general, acupuncture is reasonably priced; however, the price may differ based on the quantity of sessions needed. Many people discover that it's a great investment in their health because of the mental and physical advantages.

Can acupuncture help with anxiety or depression?

Yes, acupuncture is a very effective treatment for anxiety and depression. Acupuncture calms the nervous system, elevates mood, and encourages relaxation by stimulating particular acupoints. Following treatments, many patients report feeling less stressed and more balanced.

Is acupuncture safe for children?

Absolutely, under the supervision of a qualified practitioner, acupuncture is safe for kids. Smaller needles or even acupressure are used in pediatric acupuncture to gently treat a variety of conditions, including stress, sleep disorders, and digestive problems. Every treatment plan is customized to the age and sensitiveness of the child.

Can acupuncture help with digestive issues like IBS?

Yes, acupuncture is a highly effective treatment for gastrointestinal disorders like IBS. Acupuncture helps regulate bowel movements, decrease bloating, and ease discomfort associated with IBS and other digestive diseases by harmonizing the digestive tract and lowering stress.

Does acupuncture help with migraines or headaches?

Yes, acupuncture has a track record of success in treating headaches and migraines. It facilitates relaxation, eases stress, and improves blood flow, all of which lessen the frequency and severity of headaches. Regular acupuncture treatments provide long-term relief from chronic headaches for many patients.

Can acupuncture help with sleep problems or insomnia?

Yes, acupuncture is very effective for treating insomnia and enhancing sleep quality. It functions by relieving tension, soothing the mind, and treating underlying imbalances that cause sleep disturbances. After just a few sessions, many patients report improvements in their sleep patterns.

Is acupuncture safe for chronic conditions like arthritis or autoimmune diseases?

Yes, acupuncture is safe and effective in treating autoimmune diseases and other chronic illnesses like arthritis. It boosts immunity, controls pain, and lessens inflammation. A comprehensive treatment strategy that includes acupuncture can help control symptoms and enhance quality of life.

Can acupuncture help boost the immune system?

Yes, through improving circulation and regulating the body's energy, acupuncture can support a stronger immune system. It helps strengthen the body's defenses against infections and aid in the healing process after illness, which makes it an excellent prophylactic throughout the flu and cold seasons.


Please be advised that we have a 24-hour cancellation policy in effect at ONA. If you do not attend your scheduled appointment; you will be charged the full fee for the session.

Additionally, please note that the initial consultation must be prepaid and is non-refundable. However, we do allow one time to reschedule this appointment if you provide at least 24 hours' notice. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.